Heal Your Past, Feel Alive Today And Create Your Ideal Future With Hypnotherapy
Are You Ready To Change Your Life?
Start With A FREE, No Obligation Discovery Call & Learn How The Emotion Doctor Can Help You!

The Emotion Doctor - Dr. Sami Herbster PT, DPT, CHT

I Am Dedicated To Helping You Heal Your Physical & Emotional Trauma
I’m uniquely qualified in understanding how the body and mind work together. As a Doctor of Physical Therapy, I utilize Hypnotherapy and Emotion & Body Code Therapy to help you find the root cause of your pain or problem. We work to reconnect the mind and the body, and align it for good.
I strongly believe the physical body communicates through pain and disease.
Negative past experiences, including traumatic experiences, can live inside the mind and the body causing a host of unwanted symptoms if not resolved.
I use unique techniques that work with the mind to understand what is going on in the body. Freeing you from past experiences, improving pain, and allowing you to move forward with your life.
You’ll feel alive, free and ready to take on anything life has in store for you.
Dr. Sami Herbster PT, DPT, CHT
Evidence Based Hypnotherapy
In a recent study, hypnotherapy showed to have a 93% success rate after 6 sessions. Compared to behavior therapy that showed to have a 72% success rate after 22 sessions. Psychoanalysis only showed a 38% success rate after 600 sessions.


Behavior Therapy

Benefits Of Working With Me
Heal From Trauma
Improve your internal environment, deepen your connections and script your new life so you can heal from trauma and get out of your own way!
Get Unstuck
The body and the mind are connected. We'll dive deep into your emotions and thoughts to uncover what's holding you back and help you find your personal power to overcome and transform!
Be Heard & Understood
You've told your story many times and it may have fallen on deaf ears without results. I am here to validate your experience, listen to your story and craft a unique approach to help you.
Therapy Services

Hypnosis & Hypnotherapy
Are you struggling to overcome a bad habit or conquer a deeply-rooted fear? Do you feel like you’ve tried everything but nothing seems to work? The answer may be closer than you think.
With the power of hypnosis, you can tap into the subconscious mind to create lasting change and achieve your goals.

Emotion Code & Body Code Therapy
Emotion Code & Body Code Therapy are types of emotional release techniques to help identify and release trapped emotions.
This simple yet transformative healing method works by detecting negative emotions stored in the subconscious mind that can go as far back as when you were in your mother’s womb.
Try Hypnosis Right Now
Download My FREE Relaxation Hypnosis Meditation & Start Seeing Immediate Results In Your Emotional Well-Being!
- Quickly Feel Deep Relaxation
- Focus & Calm Your Mind
- Experience A Professional, Guided Hypnosis